“Regina Maria” Municipal Museum, with the support of the Iaşi City Hall, in collaboration with the History Institute “A. D. Xenopol”, organized its second annual conference on August 27 and 28, 2021. The organizers, consistent with the format thought from the design of the first conference, issued invitations to historians, archaeologists, linguists, architects and museographers who showed constant and remarkable concerns for the past of the city of Iasi. A gratifying and hopeful fact for the success of the institutional and academic program that is taking shape more and more clearly, year after year, around the museum of the city of Iaşi, the answer was not long in coming, and at the debate table, over the two days, over 30 researchers, being exposed to as many interventions on themes that looked at the city’s past through people and buildings, cartographic representations, through its churches and cemeteries, or rediscovered the city in the written and unwritten testimonies, in the facts of urban planning, of social assistance, medicine and pharmacy. As a novelty compared to the first edition of the conference, this year’s program included a debate on museology topics, supported by recognized specialists in the field, from Iasi, Bucharest, Sibiu, Galaţi and Piatra-Neamţ.
Without being a volume of the conference, part of the communications presented can be found in the current issue of the magazine. There are 19 studies grouped in paragraphs such as: The city, its people, places and pretenses; Houses that were, houses that still are; The city, its documents and memories; The city and its artists; Associationism, medicine and social assistance and From the surroundings. Just reading the titles can give the impression of too much thematic diversity, but all 19 articles keep the line desired by the editors, that of taking new steps towards the knowledge of the past of the city of Iasi and its surroundings.
As in the previous issues, the table of contents contains articles that contain documentary annexes. They are documents that the authors considered so valuable that it was not enough to indicate them in the bibliographic notes, but to edit them, with the intention of being a support for other researches in the future. Moreover, the inclination towards the publication of archival documents is perhaps the most visible bridge between the magazine started a century ago and this one now, which claims its succession. Also, the volume contains a rich illustration, graphic annexes of the studies, but not with the role of pigmenting the texts, but to complement them, being old plans and maps, photos of the houses and monuments of the city, or snapshots taken during the activities organized by “Regina Maria” Municipal Museum in 2021, images that will, over time, become documents in their turn. The second conference and a new issue of the magazine
Like the previous volumes, the texts that this one contains have solid documentary and bibliographic foundations, but they are not addressed exclusively to specialists, but also to the general public. Moreover, this editorial project is not intended to be a demonstration of erudition on urban history topics, but rather a way of addressing a wider audience through which the historical values of the city of Iaşi are known, wanting to give an impetus to a better awareness of the need to preserve the material and immaterial memory of the city, protecting it from the dangers of destruction and irretrievable disappearance, following some modernizing transformations, made in haste and from insufficient knowledge of the past.
Marius Chelcu
“Ioan Neculce” – Bulletin of the Municipal Museum “Regina Maria” Iași, No. III/2021
- Marius Chelcu, A doua conferință și un nou număr al revistei – p. 5
Orașul, oamenii, locurile și prefacerile sale
- Laurențiu Rădvan, Cu privire la mărginenii din Iași – p. 9
- Marius Chelcu, Cu casă și dugheană pe locul mănăstirii. Economie, locuire și urbanism la Iași – p. 23
- Dan Dumitru Iacob, O mare proprietate funciară din Iași a familiei Bogdan după un plan de hotărnicie din 1869 – p. 37
- Mircea Ciubotaru, Un moment din istoria edilitară a Iașilor: începutul asfaltării străzilor (1872-1873) – p. 65
Case care au fost, case care mai sunt
- Ina Chirilă, Din istoria imobilelor dispărute: casele Blumenfeld din Iași – p. 81
- Aurica Ichim, Casa Burchi-Zmeu – noi informații – p. 103
- Felicia Iosif, Expropriere cu despăgubiri: cazul Sanatoriului „Dr. Alexandru Tzaicu” din Iași – p. 117
Orașul, documentele și amintirile sale
- Mihai-Bogdan Atanasiu, Un pomelnic ieșean inedit din veacul al XIX-lea al boierilor Bălșești – p. 133
- Mihai-Cristian Amăriuței, Ludmila Bacumenci-Pîrnău, Silviu Văcaru, Căutători de „comori” în Moldova secolului al XIX-lea. Dosarul Biserica Ziua Crucii din Iași (1837) – p. 145
- Elena Gherman, Lespezile funerare de la Biserica Sfântul Gheorghe – Mitropolia Veche din Iași – p. 153
- Cătălina Mihalache, Andi Mihalache, Inscripțiile publice, instantanee dintr-o poveste neîncheiată – p. 173
Orașul și artiștii săi
- Mihai Mârza, Iconostasul catedralei din Iași făcut de Ivan Koșarov: dosarul unei istorii cu final necunoscut – p. 237
- Dana Servant, Cum să formezi „suflete inspirate”? Ștefan Dimitrescu (1866-1933), reformator al Școlii de Belle-Arte din Iași – p. 251
Asociaționism, medicină și asistență socială
- Cătălina Chelcu, Din trecutul asistenței sociale: breasla calicilor din Iași – p. 305
- Sorin Grigoruță, Aspecte mărunte privitoare la asistența medicală în Iașii începutului de secol XIX: „căutarea bolnavilor vinovați de închisoarea temniții” – p. 325
- Liviu Brătescu, Din istoria asociaționismului ieșean. Actori, obiective și forme de organizare (sfârșitul secolului XIX – începutul secolului XX) – p. 341
Din împrejurimi
- Andrei Melinte, Târgușoare din ținutul Iași în prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea: Zaboloteni și Bivolari – p. 357
- Silviu Văcaru, Andrei Carcea, Biserica din satul Cilibiu – câteva lămuriri – p. 369
- Astrid Cambose, Satul Aroneanu, din comuna Copou, cultură și civilizație populară la 1885. Din răspunsurile manuscrise la Chestionarul linguistic al lui B. P. Hasdeu – p. 385
- Alexandru Gorea, Din activitatea Muzeului Municipal „Regina Maria” Iași în anul 2021 – p. 395
In Memoriam
- Ioan Caproșu (1934-2021) (Marius Chelcu) – p. 407
- Mesaj de condoleanțe la slujba de înmormântare a D-lui Sorin Iftimi (Înaltpreasfințitul Teofan, Mitropolitul Moldovei și Bucovinei) – p. 408
- Sorin Iftimi (1965-2021) (Marius Chelcu) – p. 411
Abrevieri – p. 413.