“Ioan Neculce”. Bulletin of the “Regina Maria” Municipal Museum: assuming a cultural heritage
In 1921, after the previous year’s establishment of the Municipal Museum, the founders, led by Gh. Ghibănescu, took an important step for the construction of the new institution, through the publication of the Museum Bulletin, a publication named after the chronicler Ioan Neculce. As noted in a retrospective study included in the current volume, the initiative and justification for the choice of the magazine’s name can be intuited, and the details of the chronicler’s biography, enriched over time, confirm the appropriate choice of Ioan Neculce as patron of the periodical. Among the lines of the Foreword placed at the beginning of the first issue of the magazine, from the year 1921, the program that the initiators would follow appears. In that text, several aspirations were stated, stimulated, then, by the satisfaction of the establishment of the Municipal Museum as a “historical-archaeological museum” that would gather a heritage representative of the past of the city of Iasi. The institutional projection proved, however, to be too optimistic for the historical conditions of the 20s of the last century, the Municipal Museum not being able to survive for more than a decade. His disappearance was not total, because a name, a program and a magazine remained behind. If the patrimony dissipated with the dissolution of the institution, the material proof of the existence of the Municipal Museum continued to be, for entire generations of researchers, the publication whose foundation was given by its content. Regarding the contents of the magazine, in the aforementioned Foreword it was stated that contributions related to the past of the city of Iaşi and, by extension, to historical Moldova, starting from the role of the capital that it had this in the past. An important space would be occupied by the editing of written testimonies, documents, notes on books and inscriptions relating to places and people in the history of the city. Old documents, kept in public or private archives, regarding places, buildings, churches, people, families, guilds and social categories, inscriptions and other inscriptions found in various churches, on icons, vestments, odors, bells and tombs, notes on books, accounts of foreign chroniclers and travelers, inscriptions and monuments from the city’s cemeteries were all to be collected, according to an editorial plan, to measure the historical heritage of the city.
The close pursuit, in all issues of the journal published, of the objective of bringing historical evidence to light has guaranteed the preservation of the scientific value of the publication, even after almost 100 years since the first issue was printed. Unfortunately, as happened with the museum, the existence of the series was interrupted, and only nine fascicles were printed. After the re-establishment of the “Regina Maria” Municipal Museum, the issue of reprinting the magazine in its place of origin, and returning to the first name and purpose, formulated in 1921, was discussed. The editorial of the present series follows, as can be seen from the content of the current issue , the projection over decades of the program that made possible the appearance of the nine valuable fascicles of the magazine of the first Municipal Museum, namely the discovery of the past of the city of Iasi and its surroundings, through research by historians, linguists, museographers and others passionate about local history. The discovery, publication and interpretation of archaeological and written sources will not be bypassed. Also, a distinct segment will be the presentation of the museum activity, by listing and describing the events organized by the Municipal Museum or those in which it will be a partner. The column dedicated to donations and acquisitions will also be included in the summary, as a continuous proof of the interest and sources through which the museum tends to create and enrich a heritage representative of its theme. Even if it has not found its place now, in the future it will not lack a column of historiographical criticism, notes and reviews, especially of some editorials with the city of Iaşi as its subject. Following the example of our forefathers, we will not make superfluous words and promises here, because we have models for what we are going to do, and the direction we are going to go is written in the very purpose of re-establishing the “Regina Maria” Municipal Museum. We just need to have the ability and acquire the credibility through which we can gather around the magazine the effort, interest and passion of those who can contribute to the valorization of the heritage and the writing of the history of the city of Iasi.
“Ioan Neculce” – Bulletin of the Municipal Museum “Regina Maria” Iași, No. I/2019
- Gânduri la început de drum – p. 7
- Istoria unei case muzeu – p. 13
- Ina Chirilă, „Ioan Neculce” – Buletinul Muzeului Municipal (1921-1934). Un „corpus” al documentelor ieșene – p. 21
- Petronel Zahariuc, Despre o casă de pe Ulița Mare a Iașilor și despre o poveste cu drepturile femeii din Moldova (prima jumătate a secolului al XVIII-lea) – p. 29
- Marius Chelcu, Fragmente din istoria orașului Iași: locuri și oameni de lângă biserica Sf. Gheorghe Lozonschi – p. 51
- Ștefan S. Gorovei, Mărturii genealogice pentru istoria familiei Tăutu (II) – p. 67
- Silviu Văcaru, Un proces de divorț în lumea mondenă a Iașului anului 1819 și implicațiile sale basarabene – p. 77
- Mircea Ciubotaru, Un episod din istoria edilitară a orașului Iași: demolarea dughenilor din fața Mitropoliei Vechi si construcția grilajului curții (1874-1894) – p.109
- Laurențiu Rădvan, Andrei Melinte, Din istoria târgurilor ținutului Iași în prima jumătate a sec. al XIX-lea: un incident privindu-i pe evreii din Ștefănești – p. 119
- Voica Maria Pușcașu, Cercetări arheologice în municipiul Iași 1975-1992 – p. 131
- Cosmin Sandu, Activitatea Muzeului Municipal „Regina Maria” Iași (octombrie 2018 – octombrie 2019) – p. 165
- Donații și achiziții – p. 185